
Sales Ads

“New products and new types of service are generated, not by asking the consumer, but by knowledge…” – W. Edward Deming

The key to any successful sales ad … or any marketing for that matter… is knowledge of the customer.

The better you understand your customers’ needs and desires, the better you will be able to offer products and services that meet their needs… in ways that motivate and persuade them to act!

This is a true principle throughout any business type or endeavor dealing with the public, and direct ad marketing is no different.

Undercover Christian Copywriting Solutions has chosen to focus on providing ad marketing for the Christian and faith-based market because this is where most of our knowledge and experience come from.

We have more than four decades of experience dealing with persons of faith from all walks of life, and that gives us a unique view into the mind, values, concerns, and needs to understand their language, what motivates them and what’s most important.

“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care” ― Theodore Roosevelt

We often see ads in marketing campaigns that show very little or no knowledge of the customer or target audience.

Many copywriting and direct marketing firms don’t take the time to understand the audience they are speaking to thoroughly. The results are poorly worded sales ads OR well-written sales ads … for a totally different audience.

In today’s competitive struggle to gain market share, your faith-based business needs to make every marketing dollar count to gain the best Return On Investment (ROI) possible.

“Get closer than ever to your customers. So close in fact, that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves.” – Steve Jobs

“It sounds good,” you say… but you may not know much about the people you’re marketing to because you are a new business or simply trying to expand into new markets!

No worries… you’re in good hands!

That’s why Undercover Christian Copywriting Solutions takes the time to thoroughly research your target audience to be able to craft sales ads that speak the language of YOUR target audience. We make them feel as though you know them AND that you care because you do!

Add all of that to our extensive experience in the faith-based industry to bring you the results you have only dreamed of. Contact Undercover Christian Copywriting Solutions today.

Let’s reach people together!

We’ll be delighted to work with you and become your next direct marketing solution-providing partner.

Contact us and let’s get started!
