
Church Website

“Where two or three are gathered…”

Pastor Jackson thought encouragingly as he looked out over the empty seats of the once-thriving congregation. It seems like only yesterday; the congregation was full. Time and the cycle of life’s attrition have caused the once-thriving congregation to dwindle to a handful of the faithful.

The average census for “mid-week prayer service” is NOW the average for Sunday morning worship service.

Is it just a sign of the times,” Pastor Jackson thought to himself? “We are barely able to bring in enough to keep the lights on…” but with stern resolve, he says, “I will not sacrifice the message of the gospel  just to bring people in or for popularity’s sake!”

Pastor Jackson is not alone.

A recent Gallup Poll reported that on average, 69% of U.S. adults were members of a church in 1998-2000, compared with 52% in 2016-2018.

The reasons vary, but the trend is clear…

Many churches are declining in membership and attendance, not because spirituality, leadership, or dedication lacks. And today the need is GREATER than ever!

Church census is declining in part to a recent shift in our society that places less and less importance on attending a “traditional church” because they are not making the connection to how relevant religion in general and the church, in particular, is to our lives.

Many churches are therefore caught between the “two horns” of becoming more “socially acceptable” and becoming more like “entertainment centers” where NEITHER the gospel is preached, NOR lives are transformed by the power of Jesus Christ.

Undercover Christian Copywriting Solutions will NEVER accept either of these choices and BOLDLY take the bull by the horns to offer churches bible-based alternatives:

  • We create church website content that is both gospel-centered and relevant for today’s world.
  • Engaging and thought-provoking commentary designed to prompt discussion and offer bible-based solutions to today’s challenges
  • Tailored messaging that make the most of your ministry and outreach efforts by focusing on the needs of your individual community
  • Practical and spirit-led bible study intended for spiritual growth and discipleship
  • Build a social media presence that puts on display all your church offers
  • Customized gospel tracts (for both print and email campaigns) custom-designed for your witnessing or outreach teams to bring new members to your house of worship

“To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some.” (1 Corinthians 9:22)

Undercover Christian Copywriting Solutions will work with you, your church leadership or your designated representative to “fine-tune” your approach and position your church for explosive GROWTH.  It may be a slight tweak or a multi-layered structured campaign … or anything in between.

Let’s reach people together!

We’ll be delighted to work with you and become your next direct marketing solution-providing partner.

Contact us and let’s get started!
